All three of my full-length novels, "A Ticket to Malta", "A Ticket to Zululand - The Place of the People of Heaven" and "A Ticket to Cusco - The Land of the Inca" are now available direct from me, the Author, together with two books of short stories.

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Wednesday, 5 June 2013

Views of Marsascala Bay

First, a progress report.  My third book 'A Ticket to Cusco'  is so very nearly complete.  One hundred and ninety pages written, and the story is all there!  Just need to go back and add a few things, proofread and check every word.

While I am doing so, I thought some photographs taken in a warmer climate might help cheer up those who are looking forward to enjoying summer weather, both in the UK and in Malta

The above picture was taken from the same location as that on the cover of my first book 'A Ticket to Malta', but of course, this is the daytime view - not the one taken in the dark!

The view to the right looks back into the bay, and the final one below is looking out to sea.

All of these photographs were taken in the month of April, when the weather changes in Malta and you start to believe that summer is just around the corner.

In the height of summer, in Marsascala Bay, all those 'buoys' you see floating at the front of this last picture will have small crafts attached to them and there won't be any space to swim inbetween the boats.

How do you know that summer has arrived in Malta? 

You know when you hear the ice cream van touring the streets playing 'Rudolph the Red-nosed Reindeer'!

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