All three of my full-length novels, "A Ticket to Malta", "A Ticket to Zululand - The Place of the People of Heaven" and "A Ticket to Cusco - The Land of the Inca" are now available direct from me, the Author, together with two books of short stories.

Please contact me on the email address given below as they are no longer available via Amazon or through bookshops.

Just click on email for information about prices and availability.

Monday, 11 June 2012

Self-Publishing: Interim Summary (1)

Spring in Malta : A profusion of Wild Flowers

Each post I have issued so far tells the story of my self-publishing experiences in a similar way to individual chapters in a book, and therefore, it would make sense to read them in date order, ie

APRIL 2012

Being a Self-Published Author
- provides background information on the first book I have written and those I intend to write in future.

MAY 2012

Why Self-Publish?
- describes the options available to those who have written, or intend to write, any type of book whether factual, or a work of fiction.

Advantages & Disadvantages of Self-Publishing
- as the title implies gives a balanced view of how the advantages and disadvantages relate within the self-publishing environment.

The Other Disadvantages of Self-Publishing
- the information provided here may not be so obvious as self-publishing organisations will undoubtedly place more emphasis on the advantages of using their services and play down the disadvantages which authors may have to determine for themselves.

Self-Publishing: Lessons Learnt
- during my first self-publishing experience, I feel that I learnt a lot which will be of benefit to me in the future.  If any readers of this blog have some self-publishing experiences that they would like to share, do please contact me.

If you would like to read the posts like chapters in a book, select from the list to the right in the sequence shown above.

JUNE 2012

In my future posts (the first of which will be available next week), I will tell the story of my marketing experiences.

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