All three of my full-length novels, "A Ticket to Malta", "A Ticket to Zululand - The Place of the People of Heaven" and "A Ticket to Cusco - The Land of the Inca" are now available direct from me, the Author, together with two books of short stories.

Please contact me on the email address given below as they are no longer available via Amazon or through bookshops.

Just click on email for information about prices and availability.

Friday, 26 April 2013

Just Nuisance

Statue to Commemorate “Just Nuisance”
The question is “Was it a Nuisance to put together a Facebook Fan Page?”  It was certainly time consuming and frustrating with the problems within the software making it difficult to transfer images from my personal Facebook page to the Fan Page.  I really need to thank my daughter so much for ensuring that I finally got there.

Now that the Anya Ashe Facebook Fan Page is available, I am hoping that it was all worthwhile.  Only time will tell.

To support me in this media marketing exercise, could I please ask as many people as possible to go to the Fan Page and “Like” me.  Please tell your friends and relatives about it, and spread the word.  I need all the publicity I can get to sell my books.

Now that the Fan Page is complete, with links to and from this blog, I will get back to writing my third novel, a murder mystery set in Peru.

But before I do so, I will explain about “Just Nuisance”.

“Just Nuisance” was a Great Dane who lived in Simon’s Town, South Africa.   The story told is that he would travel from Simon’s Town Naval Dockyard into Cape Town on the train with the sailors so that when they were drunk he could help ensure they caught the last train back.  However, the railroad wanted to ban the dog from travelling free of charge so the sailors requested, via the British Admiralty, that he enlisted in the Royal Navy. This was agreed and the Recruiting Officer asked for the dog’s name.  “Nuisance,” he was told, but the Officer also wanted a first name, to which the reply was “Just Nuisance”.  From then on that was the dog’s official name, and when he died after being knocked down by a car, he was given a full military funeral.