Kudu in South Africa |
Both of my books ("A Ticket to Malta" and "A Ticket to Zululand") are now available in Kindle format in addition to the paperback versions being sold by Amazon and the publisher, Authorhouse.
Use this link to view ‘A Ticket to Zululand – The Place of the People of Heaven’ in Kindle format.
I have also now completed my Facebook page and reviews of both of my books can be placed on Goodreads
It would be much appreciated if readers of my books could complete reviews as I would love to hear your comments.
Just to provide an insight into my writing style:
From the outset, it has been my intention to provide a tourist’s impression of a foreign country using a travelogue format as a basis for my novels, but in addition, I will always provide at least a second thread within each story that gives an insight into the lives of local people, as well as adding the extra spice of a fictional murder mystery.
In ‘A Ticket to Malta’ some of the dialogue is in Maltese in order to add a Maltese flavour as the majority of Maltese people speak both Maltese and English, sometimes in the same sentence. However, because few other people speak Maltese, a translation is necessary. Consideration was given to placing this explanation in a footnote at the bottom of the relevant page, but then people might lose their place on the page. This would be an even greater problem if the translation were placed in an endnote. Therefore, I decided that the best solution would be to put the explanation in brackets immediately after the words that might be in an unfamiliar language.
I do hope my readers enjoy the inclusion of words spoken in a language that perhaps they have never experienced before.
In ‘A Ticket to Zululand’ there is only one word that is not in English as I have absolutely no experience of any of the multitude of different languages spoken in South African and, therefore, would not presume to include them. The mission I assign to my readers in this instance is to discover what that one word is.