On Safari in Kruger National Park, South Africa |
I must apologise for the length of time that has elapsed between this message and my previous update, together with the fact that this post will be so short.
I have been extremely busy as producing works of fiction is not the only thing I am committed to achieving, but I am determined to complete writing my second book ‘A Ticket to Zululand’ by the end of October 2012. No more holidays for the time being!
I am still on schedule and just have three short parts to complete – a précis of both the Zulu Wars and the Anglo-Boer Wars, together with reporting on an incident in a shopping mall on the outskirts of Johannesburg!!!!!!!
Then, of course, I will have to check every word contained in approximately 200 pages, to make sure it is absolutely accurate before I send it off to the publisher.
Hopefully, I will be in a position to let you have a further update before the end of October.